Celebrate Christmas at Victory Church this holiday season!
Don’t miss amazing worship experiences, life-giving messages, FREE t-shirts and photo opportunities, and lots of fun for the whole family!
Pell City
8:15 // 9:15 // 10:30 A 154 Victory Drive, Pell City, AL 35125
10:30 A Talladega Bottling Works | 124 Court Sq S, Talladega, AL 35160

Bless a local family in need this Christmas!
Select a wishlist from a child in our area while at church, then bring the gift to our Outreach Team by December 4th. This is a great way to get the whole family involved in showing God’s radical kindness to families in our community!
Sunday, November 17th & 24th (*See service times for each campus) – Select a Wishlist to sponsor
Wednesday, December 4th (*Pell City Campus, 6:30 PM) – Gifts due (bring your gift with you to Deeper for our Outreach Team to organize!)

Sunday, November 24th | *See service times for each campus
FREE Christmas T-shirt for everyone in attendance.

Sunday, December 1st | *See service times for each campus
Experience a Biblical message based on one of your favorite Christmas movies and enjoy popcorn during service.

Wednesday, December 4th | 6:30 PM
Wear your ugliest Christmas outfit at our First Wednesday night service, Deeper! Top 5 winners get a prize, so do your worst!
*Deeper takes place ONLY at the Pell City campus

Sunday, December 8th | *See service times for each campus
FREE family photos with Santa Claus at church.

Sunday, December 15th | *See service times for each campus
Exciting worship, hope-filled message, fun for the whole family, and Christmas treats for the kids.

Sunday, December 22nd |*See service times for each campus
Celebrate Christmas with a special time of candlelit worship.
Celebrate Christmas by participating in Advent this year with our church family.
Beginning on the fourth Sunday before Christmas, each of the four weeks of Advent leading up to Christmas Eve will focus on a different theme of celebration and anticipation — hope, peace, joy, and love.
Jesus said, “I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20).
Encountering God is not only possible this Christmas season, Jesus said it’s a matter of opening the door.
Light a candle and make space for God’s presence every week leading up to Christmas Eve:
1. Read the overview for the week’s candle (for Weeks 2-4, light each of the previous week’s candles before you begin)
2. Read the candle’s Theme Verse
3. Create a moment of silence
4. Light the candle
5. End with prayer
If a more festive approach suits you, here’s what you’ll need:
• Advent wreath, your choice of greenery
• A candelabra/candleholders
• Three purple candles (Hope, Peace, and Joy—Weeks 1–3)
• One pink candle (Love—Week 4)
• One larger white candle at the center (Christmas Eve)
• Any candles will do
• Add one candle each week leading up to Christmas Eve
The Thrill of Hope | John 1:9-14
This is the Hope candle. The light of this fire represents the spark of hope.
Biblical hope is about a Person (Jesus) who makes us new. Real hope is a new heart with Jesus at the center bringing us new wisdom, a new community, and new life.
John 1:9-14 tells us what happened when the light of hope invaded our world through Jesus. Read these verses before creating a moment of silence and lighting the Hope candle. End with prayer.
The Promise of Peace | Psalm 23
This is the Peace candle. God promises to give us peace through Jesus, just as the angels told the shepherds after Jesus’ birth: “Glory to God in the highest! Peace on earth to those with whom He is pleased.”
In the Bible, “peace” is the word shalom, and it does mean an end to war and conflict, but it also means “complete” or “whole”— maybe another way to say it is “not broken.”
Read Psalms 23 and consider how God promises to care for us and fill us with His peace. Create a moment of silence, light the Joy candle, and end with prayer.
The Anticipation of Joy | Revelation 21:1-5
This is the Joy candle. The Bible talks about a kind of joy not based on feelings, but based on the anticipation of God’s promises.
In the Bible, often the first move toward joy is repentance. Repentance is simply giving up on trying to find joy our own way, and trusting that the life God wants for us is so much better than we want for ourselves.
Read Revelation 21:1-5 and consider the anticipation of joy in God’s promises. Create a moment of silence, light the Joy candle, and end with prayer.
The Giving of Love | 1 John 4:7-12
This is the Love candle. Jesus told us love is the meaning of life. The greatest commandment, He says, is a commandment to love.
Biblical love is not just a feeling. Love is an act, a sacrifice you make, a gift you give, just as God the Father gave Jesus for us.
1 John 4:7-12 gives us the Biblical definition of love. Read these verses before creating a moment of silence and lighting the Love candle. End with prayer.